November 9 - December 4
No requirement to pre-pay for any boxes. The first $50 of profit from the orders of each scout goes to support the Troop. All profits beyond that are credited to the selling-scout towards summer camp.
Two ways to take orders...
(Yes. You can do it both ways.)
1. Take pre-sale orders
Just like last year...
Distribute the flyer below to your neighbors, friends, relatives, parent's co-workers.
Take pre-orders using the See's form provided below.
Collect purchase monies when order is made.
Submit completed order form and cash to Project Coordinator.
Pick up product from Coordinator.
Deliver product to customers.
*Pre-Sale order forms and cash must be turned in by November 30.
2. Direct Customers to Our See's Webstore
New this year...
Register as a "Helper" to get credit for your customer's orders. Instructions can be found below.
Use this flyer encouraging customers/supporters to go to the Troop's custom See's Yum-raising website to make purchases.
Customers can get to the Troop's See's Store by clicking on the See's logo on the home page.
Pre-Order Form
Helper Instructions